: Missouri DWI Defense Attorney

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St. Louis Traffic Law Defense

City of St. Louis Speeding Ticket Lawyers
City of St. Louis DUI / DWI Defense Lawyers
City of St. Louis MIP Defense Lawyers

From simple City of St. Louis speeding ticket defense where "no points" is the goal and City of St. Louis MIP defense where the object is keeping your record clean and your driver license from being suspended, to City of St. Louis DWI defense, where your freedom is at stake, the St. Louis traffic law attorneys at can handle it.

This page contains Court information for City of St. Louis, Missouri.

City of St. Louis, Missouri Traffic Law Defense

St. Louis City Municipal Court

City of St. Louis Municipal Court
1430 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO  63103
(314) 622-3231 (automated ticket Info line)

Business Hours:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday - Friday, except City Holidays.

City of St. Louis, Missouri Judicial Circuit 22

Click Here | City of St. Louis, Missouri Judicial Circuit 22


City of St. Louis, Missouri Traffic Law Defense Lawyers

The traffic law defense attorneys at are experienced lawyers who provide vigorous legal defense of all types of traffic law violations in the City of St. Louis.  From City of St. Louis speeding tickets, to City of St. Louis MIP (minor on possession) defense, to City of St. Louis DWI defense, we can help you avoid the harsh consequences of not having a top defense lawyer to protect your rights in court.  

City of St. Louis Speeding Ticket Defense

The City of St. Louis lawyers at handle speeding tickets in the City of St. Louis.  We know what you want - "no points" - and we know how to get results. 

City of St. Louis MIP (minor in possession) Defense

If you have been charged with MIP (minor on possession) in the City of St. Louis, we can help.  To check our MIP (minor in possession) page, click here.  We  know what you want - to keep your license from being suspended and your record clean of  a conviction - and our City of St. Louis MIP defense lawyers know how to get results.

City of St. Louis DWI Defense

Your license and your freedom are at stake when you get a DWI in the City of St. Louis.  You need an experienced City of St. Louis DWI defense lawyer.  You need a lawyer NOW.  Our top traffic law defense attorneys are experienced at DWI defense in the City of St. Louis.  Time is of the essence.  To take us up on our offer to give you a free consultation with an experienced City of St. Louis DWI defense lawyer, click here now.  We can help you.


St. Louis MIP lawyers handling St. Louis minor in possession defense.  Experienced attorneys defend against driver license suspension / revocation from MIP in St. Louis, Missouri.

St. Louis MIP Defense Lawyers |  St. Louis Minor in Possession Attorneys

St. Louis DWI defense lawyers. St. Louis traffic law attorneys.  St. Louis speeding ticket, DUI defense, MIP defense, and St. Louis drunk driving defense.  Traffic law attorneys in the City of St. Louis

St. Louis DWI Defense Lawyers | St. Louis Driving While Intoxicated Attorneys


Last Updated July 17, 2006

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